In October 2002, the SIRGAS Directing Council decided the implementation of a web page summarising the main characteristics of SIRGAS. The design, maintenance and update of the SIRGAS web page was defined as a responsibility of the SIRGAS President and Vice-president. The first version of the SIRGAS web page was hosted by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), affiliation of the SIRGAS President at that time, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes. This web site described the objectives and structure of SIRGAS, included the new SIRGAS Bylaws, and contained the main SIRGAS products: SIRGAS95 and SIRGAS2000 coordinates and the first VEMOS model. Through this web site the routinely issue of the SIRGAS Newsletters was established. In December 2004, the SIRGAS Vice-president for the term 2003 – 2007, Eduardo Lauría, assumed the maintenance and modernisation of the SIRGAS web site and moved the wen from IBGE to the Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) of Argentina. This new site offered interactive tools to easily find the SIRGAS95 and SIRGAS2000 coordinates for desired stations as well as to get station velocities from the VEMOS model. New sections corresponding to the SIRGAS Working Groups were introduced. In August 2007, the responsibility of the SIRGAS web maintenance is assumed by the new SIRGAS Vice-president, Laura Sánchez (term 2007 – 2015), and with the support of the Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut, Technische Universität München (DGFI-TUM), the web is moved to This new site initially kept the same design introduced by the IGN-Argentina and IBGE in the previous web sites, but the structure of the web is modified in accordance with the development of SIRGAS. New sections are implemented following the establishment of new SIRGAS components, in particular, the continuously operating reference network, the SIRGAS analysis centres of the reference network, the atmospheric analysis centres, and the SIRGAS products (weekly station positions, multi-year solution, deformation models VEMOS). An important component of the is the repository of a huge index of publications and presentations published by the SIRGAS community. In accordance with the recent developments in SIRGAS, specially the interaction with the Regional Committee of the United Nations on Global Geospatial Information Management for the Americas (UN-GGIM: Americas), it was decided to move the SIRGAS web page from to The new site is hosted by the Pan-American Institute for Geography and History (PAIGH). Its maintenance continues being a responsibility of the SIRGAS President and Vice-president with the support of PAIGH. contains basically the same information and data like, so that the SIRGAS users can assumed this transition smoothly. is operative since August 2021.