Loosely constrained weekly solutions are obtained by combining the weekly solutions delivered by the SIRGAS Processing Centres.
The file names correspond to: SIRwww7.SNX:
wwww is the GPS week,
7 indicates that the solution includes the seven daily solutions,
SNX shows that it is given in SINEX format.
These loosely constrained weekly solutions are generated by the IGS-RNAAC-SIR (DGFI-TUM) and are further applied for the computation of multi-year solutions of the SIRGAS reference frame and for the integration of the SIRGAS-CON network into the global IGS polyhedron. They are available at
ftp://ftp.sirgas.org/pub/gps/SIRGAS/ … wwww = GPS week
If you cannot access the SIRGAS FTP server using your Internet Browser, please access ftp.sirgas.org using an FTP client (such as Filezilla, WinSCP, SmartFTP, Cyberduck, Commander One, AndFTP, FTPClient) or using Windows File Explorer (read instructions).
Loosely constrained weekly solutions computed before GPS week 1400 (November 2006) were reprocessed including absolute corrections for the phase center variations of the GNSS antennae (see [IGSMAIL-5189], [IGSMAIL-5272]) and applying IGS05 as reference frame (see [IGSMAIL-5438], [IGSMAIL-5447], [IGSMAIL-5455]). These reprocessed solutions are identified with SI1wwww.SNX.
Loosely constrained weekly solutions from November 4, 2006 (GPS week 1400) to April 16, 2011 (GPS week 1631) were directly computed using the IGS05 frame (see [IGSMAIL-5438], [IGSMAIL-5447], [IGSMAIL-5455]).
Loosely constrained weekly solutions computed from April 17, 2011 (GPS week 1632) to October 6, 2012 (GPS week 1708) refer to the IGS08 frame (see [IGSMAIL-6354], [IGSMAIL-6355], [IGSMAIL-6356]).
Loosely constrained weekly solutions computed from October 7, 2012 (GPS week 1709) to January 28, 2017 (GPS week 1933) refer to the IGb08 frame (see [IGSMAIL-6663]).
Loosely constrained weekly solutions computed from January 29, 2017 (GPS week 1934) to May 16, 2020 (GPS week 2105) refer to the IGS14 frame (see [IGSMAIL-7399]).
Loosely constrained weekly solutions computed since May 17, 2020 (GPS week 2106) refer to the IGb14 frame, an updated version of IGS14 (see [IGSMAIL-7921]).