The SIRGAS Executive Committee intends to invite the entire Scientific and Technological Community linked to Geodesy and Earth Sciences, to participate in the SIRGAS 2024 Symposium that will take place in the city of Bogotá, between November 18 and 21, 2024.

This edition of the SIRGAS Symposium was organized jointly with the Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute and with the support of the Pan-American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH) and the International Geodesy Association (IAG).

On the other hand, during the week prior to the Symposium, or this week, from November 12 to 15, the Escola “Tempo Real” will be held, in which topics related to the unification of vertical data for the member countries of SIRGAS will be addressed. unwrapped , as the directions and actions turned to materialize the IHRS (International Height Reference System).

Since the SIRGAS Symposiums contain mainly the presence of National Representatives, members of Working Groups and projects, these events are open to the entire regional and international geodetic community, and we cordially invite:

  • Representatives of regional organizations linked to the publication of geospatial information and observations of the Earth;
  • Representatives of public and private organizations that use geodetic and geophysical information;
  • Representatives of national institutions are responsible for the definition of two geodesic references;
  • Representatives of universities and research centers on topics related to geodesy and geophysics;
    Scientists, professionals, technicians and students whose activities and research are related to the objectives of SIRGAS.

For more information about the School, visit the following link.

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