Working group II

SIRGAS-WGII (SIRGAS at national level) was created in 1993 with the purpose of establishing a geocentric datum for South America. Behind the datum?s definition, SIRGAS-WGII undertook also the task of diagnosing the status of the local geodetic reference systems existing in South America, to design an integration (or modernization) strategy of these systems into the new SIRGAS frame. After a detailed census about the individual interests and policies related to the reference system in each country, the main conclusion was that each one should individually take care of its integration into SIRGAS, but following the technical recommendations formulated by SIRGAS-WGII. Since February, 2001, SIRGAS-WGII takes also care of the Central American and Caribbean countries.

The general strategy applied to integrate the local geodetic datums into the SIRGAS system is based on:

  1. establishment of a first order GNSS national network (with passive or continuously observing stations),
  2. determination of transformation parameters between the old (non-geocentric) geodetic datums and SIRGAS, and
  3. adoption of SIRGAS as official frame in each country.

In order to facilitate its activities, since July 2009, the SIRGAS-WGII promotes the periodical realization of SIRGAS Schools on Reference Systems, the central objective of which is to strengthen the fundamental concepts associated with the Geodesy of Reference. They are oriented to producers and users of precise geodetic data in the SIRGAS member countries.

Members of the SIRGAS-WGII

Demián David Gómez (gomez.124 @, chair, OSU, USA
Roberto Pérez Rodino (rodino @, UDELAR, Uruguay
William Martínez Díaz (wialmadi @, Agencia Nacional de Minería, Colombia
Arturo Echalar Rivera (arturoechalar @, IGM, Bolivia
Alberto Luis da Silva (alberto.luis @, IBGE, Brazil
Francisco Valverde Calderón (joval2172003 @, UNA, Costa Rica
Carlos Enrique Figueroa (cfigueroa @, IGCN, El Salvador
Oscar Cruz Ramos (ing.ocruzr @, IGN, Guatemala
Javier Cornejo (jcornejo @, IGNTG, Panamá
Gustavo Noguera (noguera @, SIRGAS-RT, UNR, Argentina
María Fernanda Camisay (fcamisay @, SIRGAS-RT, UNCuyo, Argentina
Ing. Oscar Fabián Carranco (, IGM, Ecuador
Ing David Alexander Cisneros Revelo (, IGM, Ecuador

Past chairs

Roberto Pérez Rodino (2015 – 2019), UDELAR, Uruguay
William Martínez Díaz (2008 – 2015), IGAC, DANE, Colombia
Tomás Marino Herrera (2007 – 2008), OVSICORI, Costa Rica
Wilfredo Amaya Zelaya (2005 – 2007), IGCN, El Salvador
Antonio Hernández Navarro (2004 – 2005), INEGI, Mexico
Rodrigo Barriga Vargas (1995 – 2004), IGM, Chile
Walter Subiza (1993 – 1995), SGM, Uruguay

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