Symposium SIRGAS2022. Santiago de Chile, November 2022, (Newsletter No 26, presentations, participants).
Symposium SIRGAS2021. Virtual, November 2021, (Newsletter No 25, presentations, participants).
Symposium SIRGAS2020, virtual, October, 2020. (Meeting summary in English, Newsletter No 24, presentations, participants).
Symposium SIRGAS2019, joint with the GGOS Days 2019. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. November 11 – 14, 2019. (Meeting summary in English, Newsletter No 23, presentations, participants).
Symposium SIRGAS2018: 25th anniversary of SIRGAS. Aguascalientes, Mexico. October 9 – 12, 2018. (Meeting summary in English, Newsletter No 23, presentations, participants).
Symposium SIRGAS2017, workshop on GNSS positioning in real time, and workshop about SLR in Latin America. Mendoza, Argentina. November 22 to December 1, 2017. (Meeting summary in English, Newsletter No. 22, presentations, participants).
Symposium SIRGAS2016. Quito, Ecuador. November 16 – 18, 2016. Maintenance of the continental reference frame, detection and assessment of geodynamic effects on the reference frame, contribution from the SIRGAS analysis centers, neutral atmosphere studies based on the SIRGAS infrastructure, national reference frames, SIRGAS in real time, SIRGAS in practice, vertical reference system, gravimetry and geoid. (Meeting summary in English, Newsletter No. 21, presentations, participants).
Symposium SIRGAS2015. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. November 18 – 20, 2015. SIRGAS advances and new challenges, maintainance and new perspectives for the continental reference frame, national reference frames, geodetic estimation of geophysical parameters, height systems, gravimetry and geoid, practical applications and use of geodetic reference frames, geodetic analysis of the Earth’s crust deformation (Meeting summary in English, Newsletter No. 20, presentations, participants).
Symposium SIRGAS2014. La Paz, Bolivia. November 24 – 26, 2014. Gravity and geoid modelling in the SIRGAS region, developments related to the vertical reference systems and frames, geodetic estimation of geophysical parameters, report of the SIRGAS analysis centres, national reference frames and related applications, geodetic modellin of Earth’s crust deformations, usability of the SIRGAS reference frame. (Meeting summary in English, Newsletter No. 19, presentations, participants).
SIRGAS2013 General Meeting and celebration of the 20th anniversary of SIRGAS. Panama City, Panama. October 24 – 26, 2013. Commemorative presentations about the first twenty years of SIRGAS, advances and maintenance of the continental reference frame and its national densifications, atmospheric studies based on the SIRGAS infrastructure (water vapor modelling and SIRGAS ionospheric maps), use of the SIRGAS reference frame, real time applications, relationship with non-geodetic applications, approach of SIRGAS to other geodetic space techniques: (Meeting summary in English, Newsletter No. 18, presentations, participants).
SIRGAS2012 General Meeting and technical visit to the Geodetic Observatory TIGO. Concepción, Chile. October 29 – 31, 2012. Maintenance and improvement of the SIRGAS reference frame, SIRGAS activities at national level, evaluation of the geodetic data required for the height datum unification in the SIRGAS region, atmospheric studies based on the SIRGAS infrastructure, advances within the projects “SIRGAS in Real Time”, “GLONASS Analysis within SIRGAS” and “modeling of non-linear movements in establishment fo reference frames”. (Meeting summary in English, Newsletter No. 17, presentations, participants).
SIRGAS2011 General Meeting and Meeting of the SIRGAS Directing Council. Heredia, Costa Rica. August 8 – 10, 2011. Towards a unified height system in the SIRGAS region, national activities related to the adoption and utilization of SIRGAS as reference frame, analysis of the SIRGAS reference frame, deformation due to seismic events, report of the project “SIRGAS Real-Time”, atmospheric studies based on the SIRGAS infrastructure, etc. Additionally, election of the SIRGAS authorities (President and Vice-President) for the period 2011 – 2015 and modification of the SIRGAS Bylaws. (Meeting summary in English, Newsletter No. 16, presentations, participants).
SIRGAS 2010 General Meeting, hold in the frame of the 42 Directing Council Meeting of the PanAmerican Institute for Geography and History (PAIGH) . Lima, Peru. November 11 – 12, 2010. Improvements in the analysis of the SIRGAS reference frame, report of the SIRGAS processing centers, deformation of the reference frame due to seismic events, advances of the project “SIRGAS Real-Time” and activities oriented to use NTRIP at national level, atmospheric studies based on the SIRGAS-CON infrastructure, advances and new perspectives of the national reference frames, status and activities concerned with the unification of the existing height systems in South America, etc. (Meeting summary in English, Newsletter No. 15, presentations, participants).
SIRGAS 2009 General Meeting, hold in the frame of the Scientific Assembly “Geodesy for Planet Earth” of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG). Buenos Aires, Argentina. August 31 – September 4, 2009. Reports of the SIRGAS Analysis Centres, advances of SIRGAS-RT and SIRGAS-ION, national activities related to SIRGAS, new velocity model for SIRGAS, continental adjustment of geopotential numbers, etc. (Meeting summary in English, Newsletter No. 14, presentations, participants).
SIRGAS 2008 General Meeting and Celebration of the hundred years of Geodesy in Uruguay . Montevideo, Uruguay. May 28 – 29, 2008. SIRGAS experimental processing and combination centres become official analysis centres, national achievements under the SIRGAS frame, SIRGAS vertical reference system, SIRGAS contributions to GGOS. (Newsletter No. 13, presentations, participants).
SIRGAS Executive Committee meeting. Bogotá, Colombia. June 7 – 8, 2007. Technical activities of SIRGAS-WGI, SIRGAS-WGII, SIRGAS-WGIII. New Steering Council 2007 – 2011. (Newsletter No. 12, presentations).
SIRGAS-WGI and SIRGAS-WGII meeting. Heredia, Costa Rica. November 27 – 28, 2006. Integration of Central America and the Caribbean into SIRGAS. (Newsletter No. 11, presentations).
SIRGAS Executive Committee meeting. Caracas, Venezuela. November 17 – 18, 2005. Technical activities of SIRGAS-WGI, SIRGAS-WGII, SIRGAS-WGIII. (Newsletter No. 9, presentations).
SIRGAS Executive Committee meeting. Aguascalientes, México. December 9 – 10, 2004. Technical activities of SIRGAS-WGI, SIRGAS-WGII, SIRGAS-WGIII. (Newsletter No. 8, presentations).
SIRGAS Executive Committee meeting. Santiago de Chile, Santiago. October 21 – 25, 2002. SIRGAS2000 final solution. New Steering Council 2003 – 2007. Adoption of the SIRGAS bylaws. (Newsletter No. 7).
SIRGAS-WGI and SIRGAS-WGIII meeting. Budapest, Hungría. IAG Scientific Assembly. September 2 – 7, 2001. Individual solutions of the SIRGAS2000 GPS campaign. (Newsletter No. 7).
SIRGAS Executive Committee meeting. Cartagena, Colombia. February 20 – 23, 2001. Extension of SIRGAS to Central and North America. Report about the SIRGAS2000 GPS campaign. (Newsletter No. 6).
SIRGAS-WGI and SIRGAS-WGIII meeting. IUGG General Assembly. Birmingham, England. July 27 – 28, 1999. Guidelines for the SIRGAS2000 GPS campaign. (Newsletter No. 6).
SIRGAS-WGIII first meeting. Santiago de Chile, Chile. August 11 – 13, 1998. Existing height datums in South America. (Newsletter No. 6).
SIRGAS Executive Committee meeting. Río de Janeiro, Brazil. IAG Scientific Assembly. September 3 – 9, 1997. SIRGAS95 final solution, establishment of the SIRGAS-WGIII “Vertical Datum”. (Newsletter No. 5, SIRGAS95 report ).
SIRGAS Executive Committee meeting. Isla Margarita, Venezuela, April, 1997. Results of the DGFI and NIMA individual SIRGAS95 analysis. Combination of a final solution. (Newsletter No. 5).
SIRGAS-WGI and SIRGAS-WGII meeting. Santiago de Chile, Chile. August 5 – 9, 1996. Preliminary results of the SIRGAS95 GPS campaign. (Newsletter No. 3, Newsletter No. 4).
SIRGAS-WGII meeting. La Plata, Argentina. October 24 – 28, 1994. Local geodetic datums in South America. (Newsletter No. 2).
SIRGAS-WGI first meeting. La Plata, Argentina. October 24 – 28, 1994. Guidelines for the SIRGAS95 GPS campaign. (Newsletter No. 2).
SIRGAS-WGII first meeting. Bogotá, Colombia. April 20 – 22, 1994. Local geodetic datums in South America. (Newsletter No. 1).