The SIRGAS web site is hosted and maintained by SIRGAS and the Pan American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH). SIRGAS and PAIGH endeavor at all times to offer up-to-date, correct, and complete content, information, and data on this web site. However, errors or mistakes cannot be completely ruled out. Therefore, SIRGAS and PAIGH accept no liability for the content, information, and data published on this web site being current, accurate, and complete. This also applies to any material or non-material damages caused by the use of the content, information, or data included in this web site. The site contains links to other web sites. Those sites are provided by independent third parties, and therefore, SIRGAS and PAIGH are not responsible for their availability or content. The presence of a link is not a SIRGAS and PAIGH endorsement of the site. When users follow a link to an outside web site are subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of the outside web sites.
Whenever you use SIRGAS data or products results in a publication, please include as a citation:
Sánchez L., Seemüller W., Drewes H., Mateo L., González G., Silva A., Pampillón J., Martínez W., Cioce V., Cisneros D., and Cimbaro S.: Long-Term Stability of the SIRGAS Reference Frame and Episodic Station Movements Caused by the Seismic Activity in the SIRGAS Region. In: Altamimi Z. and Collilieux X. (Eds.): Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences, IAG Symposia 138: 153-161, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-32998-2_24, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
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