SIRGAS-WGI (Reference system) was established in 1993 along with the SIRGAS project. It is responsible for coordinating all the tasks needed to implement and maintain the SIRGAS reference frame. Initially, it coordinated the GPS campaigns for the establishment of the first two SIRGAS realizations SIRGAS95 and SIRGAS2000. At present, it takes care of the adequate functioning and analysis of the SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network. Since 2005, SIRGAS-WGI promotes the installation of analysis centres for SIRGAS under the responsibility of Latin American institutions and the use of SIRGAS observations for atmospheric (ionosphere and troposphere) studies. As a result of these activities, at present, the following Analysis Centres are routinely operating:
- One regional Analysis Center of Associates of the IGS Network for SIRGAS (IGS RNAAC SIRGAS): DGFI-TUM;
- Ten SIRGAS Local Processing Centres under the responsibility of Latin American Institutions: CEPGE (Ecuador), IBGE (Brasil), IGAC (Colombia), IGM-Cl (Chile), IGN-Ar (Argentina), IGN-Cr (Costa Rica); IGN-Pe (Peru); INEGI (México), IGM-Uy (Uruguay), USC (Chile);
- One Analysis Centre for the Neutral Atmosphere: CIMA (Argentina);
- Two SIRGAS Combination Centres: IBGE (Brazil) and IGS RNAAC SIRGAS (DGFI-TUM, Germany).
Beyond the coordination of the interaction between the Operational Centres, the National Data Centres, and the SIRGAS Analysis Centres (Processing and Combination Centres), the SIRGAS-WGI continues promoting the establishment of new processing centres hosted by Latin American organizations. The main objective is that, in a near future, each SIRGAS member country become capable to process the data of its own continuously operating GNSS stations following the IGS standards.
Members of the SIRGAS-WGI
José Antonio Tarrío Mosquera (, presidente, USC, Chile
Laura Sánchez (, coordinador con el IGS, DGFI-TUM, Alemania
Catalina Cáceres (, coordinador de análisis, USC, Chile
Alberto Luis da Silva (, coordinador de red, IBGE, Brasil
Roberto Pérez Rodino (, UDELAR, Uruguay
Mauricio Gende (, GESA-UNLP, Argentina
José María Pampillón (, IGM, Uruguay
Maria Virginia Mackern (, CIMA, Argentina
Maria Laura Mateo (, CIMA, Argentina
Maria Fernanda Camisay (, CIMA, Argentina
Patricia Alejandra Rosell (, CIMA, Argentina
Luciano P. O. Mendoza (, FCAG-UNLP, Argentina
Víctor J. Cioce P. (, LUZ, Venezuela
Ileanis Arenas (, Universidad de Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela
Julio Teixeira (, IGM, Uruguay
Anibal Pintos (, IGM, Uruguay
Lucas Castro (, IGM, Uruguay
María Belén Gándara (maria.gandara @
Laura Camacho (laura.camacho @
Santiago Chiruzzo (santiago.chiruzzo @
Facundo Perdomo (, IGM, Uruguay
Alejandro Casatroja (, IGM, Uruguay
Ing. Karina Estefanía Rosero Escaleras (, IGM, Ecuador
Hernán Patricio Portilla Pullupaxi (, IGM, Ecuador
Oscar Victor Paucar Llaja (,,, IGN, Perú
Tte EP Veramendi Celis Ronnie (, Perú
Hernán Guagni (, IGN, Argentina
Micaela Carbonetti (,IGN, Argentina
Guido González (, INEGI, México
Guillermo Gasca (, INEGI, México
Gabriel Gaytán (, INEGI, México
Marcelo Caverlotti (, USC, Chile
Fernando Isla (, USC, Chile
Catalina Cáceres (, USC, Chile
Valeria Vásquez (, USC, Chile
José Luis Borcosque Díaz (
Marco Aurelio de Almeida Lima (, IBGE, Brasil
Guiderlan Mantovani (, IBGE, Brasil
Oscar Rodríguez (, IGAC, Colombia
Diego Cortés (, IGAC, Colombia
Siervo León (, IGAC, Colombia
Emilio Aleuy Schwerter (, IGM, Chile
Sergio Rozas Bornes (, IGM, Chile
Ignacio Parada (, IGM, Chile
Claudio Reyes (, IGM, Chile
Germán Aguilera (, IGM, Chile
Álvaro Álvarez Calderón (, IGN, Costa Rica
Carlos Gómez Salazar (, IGN, Costa Rica
Past chairs
Víctor J. Cioce P. (2015 – 2020), LUZ, Venezuela
María Virginia Mackern (2008 – 2015), UN-Cuyo, U-Maza, Argentina
Sonia Maria Alves Costa (2007 – 2008), IBGE, Brazil
Claudio Brunini (2004 – 2007), UNLP, Argentina
Melvin Jesús Hoyer Romero (1993 – 2004), LUZ, Venezuela