Real Time Presentations: Experiences of Real-Time GNSS Positioning Services, current in the SIRGAS region and contributions at a global level Canada’s Infrastructure in real-time positioning service with GNSS.La Infraestructura de Canada en el servicio de posicionamiento en tiempo real con GNSS.Sandra Bolanos – Section Head, Geodetic Systems and Infrastructure – Canadian Geodetic Service.Real-Time GNSS Positioning Service in Spain – José Manuel Serna [IGN, RIG]REGME-IP Precise Real-Time Positioning Service, through the NTRIP Protocol; experiences and results obtained, after 3 years of operation at the national level.– Ing. David A. Cisneros R, MSc. / Ing. Mónica Zabala, MSc. / Mayo. Ing. Edgar Parra, PhD.Control Center Launch Geodesic – Colombia / April 2024