In this event, presentations will be made on the experiences of some countries in the Americas in the establishment and operation of active GNSS networks, more specifically on cooperation between various agencies and the establishment of new strategic alliances for the operation of this type of networks as frameworks. national benchmarks.
Exhibitors: Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica and Chile
National Geographic Institute of the Argentine Republic – IGN-Ar
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE
National Geographic Institute of Costa Rica – IGN
University of Santiago de Chile – USACH
National Geology and Mining Service – SERNAGEOMIN (Chile)
Professional Council of Surveying of the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Date: April 6, 2021, 13:00 UTC
Duration: 2 hours + 15 questions
Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 841 4700 2753
Access code: 103582