Between September 21 to 23, 2022, a specific training on “Processing and Adjustment of Gravimetric Networks” was made for the Military Geographic Institute of Bolivia. The training was organized and delivered by the GT-III Gravimetric Network Coordinator, Dr. Ezequiel D. Antokoletz, and by the GT-III President, Dr. Gabriel Guimarães.
The main objective of the training was to address specific Gravimetry contents, as well as the design of Gravimetric Networks and the processing of their observations with programs provided by GT-III.
All the material taught during the training is available at the following link SIRGAS webinars – SIRGAS ( The training videos are uploaded to YouTube at the (1) Capacitaciones / Trainings – YouTube
The program was:
Day 1: Introduction. Absolute and relative gravity measurements. Absolute gravimeters. Terrestrial relative gravimeters. Notions about temporal variations of gravity. Reference gravimetric systems. Notions of Gravimetric Networks: examples from Argentina and Brazil. Notions of its utility for vertical systems. Notions about the International Terrestrial Gravimetry Reference Framework (IGRF).
Day 2: Gravimetric Networks. Measurement. Types of relative gravimeters. Temporal variations: tides and drift. Field work. Processing: transformation of readings to units of mGal and correction for tides using theoretical models. Exercise: processing gravimetric observations with GRAVDATA (Drewes, 2012).
Day 3: Adjustment of Gravimetric Networks. Observation equations and sources of error. Drift correction. Exercise: Fitting Gravimetric Observations with GRAVNET (Drewes, 2012)
The objective of GT-III was to be able to carry out training on a permanent basis. If you require particular training for your institution or access to the gravimetric observation processing and adjustment programs used, write an email to